Research on Motor Neurone Diseases
Research Publications

Research Projects
Our lab is dedicated to the understanding of the neural control of human movement in both health and disease. We specifically explore the contributions of motor sub-systems, using techniques such as EEG/EMG and other electrophysiological measures to study neuro-motor activity. The focus extends to investigating diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers not only in Motor Neuron Diseases (MND) like Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) but also in conditions such as multiple sclerosis, aiming to contribute valuable insights to the field. Additionally, the lab is actively involved in neural engineering, seeking innovative approaches to enhance our comprehension of neural control.
Feel free to contact us, if you would like to participate in research!

Recent publications
Functional network dynamics revealed by EEG microstates reflect cognitive decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Human Brain Mapping, 2024
Cortico-muscular coherence in primary lateral sclerosis reveals abnormal cortical engagement during motor function beyond primary motor areas, Cerebral Cortex, 2023

Special news
May 2024: Rosie presents a flash talk at the All Ireland MS symposium. – Rosie presents at Pint of Science – Gabriel and Helene perform an EEG demonstration at FutureNeuro’s second launch – Rosie and Serena present at the Faculty of Health Science’s Research Blitz, where Rosie wins most entertaining presentation
April 2024: Prabhav, Zahra and Helene present their posters at the Neural Control of Movement Conference in Dubrovnik.
March 2024: Rosie wins the Trinity College Dublin final of the 3Min Thesis competition. Congratulations Rosie!
February 2024: Visit from Prof Natasha Maurits, Professor of clinical neuroengineering in University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, for a talk on Mathematics in movement (disorders)
January – February 2024: Saroj’s and Marjorie’s PhD vivas. Bella and Alanna, Trinity College Dublin Human Health and Disease BSc students, join the team for their capstone projects. Tanya, TCD MSc Neuroscience student joins the team for her Master’s project.
December 2023: Two platform and three poster presentations from the team at the 34th MND Symposium, Basel, Switzerland.
November 2023: New collaboration to study multiple sclerosis.
October 2023: Zahra and Helene join the team supported by an ERP grant.
September 2023: Gabriel joins the team with a NeuroInsight fellowship. – Rosie at the 39th Congress of The European Committee for Treatment and Research In Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) in Milan, Italy.
August 2023: Marine, MSc student from EPFL, Switzerland, joins the team for a summer project.
July 2023: Two platform presentations & two poster presentations from the team at the European Network to Cure ALS meeting in Barcelona, Spain. – Rosie at the OHBM annual meeting, Montréal, Canada. – Prabhav visits collaborators in Birmingham, UK.
June 2023: Serena in MND EnCouRage UK.
May 2023: Visit from Don Bosco Landser, France for a high school project supported by the Rotary club.
March 2023: Serena joins with a PhD project supported by a HRB ILP grant.
February 2023: Visit from Jake Toth and Dr Joshua Giles from the University of Sheffield, with exciting talks about BCI. – Saroj and Marjorie visit collaborators in the University of Sheffield, UK.