Our Projects

Motor Biomarkers

We study motor network dysfunctions in Motor Neuron Diseases using Resting state EEG and Motor Task EEG/EMG with the help of various network connectivity measures.

Cognitive Biomarkers

We study cognitive dysfunctions in Motor Neurone Diseases using Resting state EEG and Cognitive Task EEG with the help of event-related potentials (ERP) and microstate arrays.

Sensory Biomarkers

We assess the activity in the spinal myotatic pathway by evoking the Tonic Vibration Reflex (TVR). The TVR is an indirect measure of the action of the bulbospinal monoaminergic pathways acting on motor neuron responses to post-synaptic potentials generated by focal vibration of the tendon.

Data Analytics

We develop new multivariate methods for the analysis of the neurophysiological signals that can be used to improve the understanding of neurological disorders or human neuroscience in general.